Closing the Circle:
Pursah’s Gospel of Thomas and A Course in Miracles
Inspired by the work of Gary Renard, both The Disappearance of the Universe, and Your Immortal Reality, here is an in-depth exploration of the teachings of Jesus as they came to us from the Thomas gospel. The Thomas gospel dates from before the theological interpretation of him by Paul as we find it in the canonical gospel accounts. Through Gary’s work we discovered how closely similar the Jesus of the Thomas gospel sounds to how Jesus speaks to us in the pages of A Course in Miracles. This book serves as an introduction, both for those who come from traditional Christianity but are new to the Course, as well as for those who are already familiar with the Course, but know little or nothing of the history of early Christianity.
How Jesus Survived Christianity
Historically, it is very clear that the way Jesus speaks in the Thomas Gospel predates the elaborate stories of the gospels that we find in the New Testament. A Course In Miracles is the modern teaching that returns us to the non-dualistic (advaita) essence of Jesus’ teaching and puts us in touch with Jesus as a teacher who is ever present to us, because he is the symbolic first one to wake up from the dream and exemplify the reunification of the Father and the Son, pointing the way for us to follow him. The ‘risen,’ awakened Jesus speaks to us from oneness, the oneness of the father and the son, entirely outside the dream of time and space.
How to order the book:
The book is available in print and as an e-book on all platforms,
Closing the Circle: Pursah’s Gospel of Thomas and A Course in Miracles on Amazon, on Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.